
40 and 20 ..., Rights and Obligations of Employers and Workers.

By: Mtro. Federico Anaya Ojeda - October 2007 -

When an employer and an employee begin a working relationship they know two things: "One has an obligation to work and the other has to pay a salary.

Perceived from the reverse perspective, this assumption can be seen as the right to receive a salary and the right to collect services from individual subordinates. Where there is a right to a party there is an obligation to the other. However, these rights and obligations are not limited , the law states exactly which each of the parties.


The employer must comply with the following:

  1. Comply with laws and regulations.
  2. Paying salaries.
  3. Provide tools.
  4. Provide safe place for the storage of tools.
  5. Put chairs available to workers in homes, offices, hotels, restaurants and other similar workplaces or industrial establishments where permitted nature of the work.
  6. consideration and respect for the workers.
  7. Issue record number of worked days and earned salaries;
  8. Issue to request a written worker on their services;
  9. Allowing workers to cast votes in the popular election and compliance services juries, electoral and census;
  10. Allowing workers to miss work to play an accidental or permanent commission by their union or the State;
  11. To inform the owner of the collective union and workers of the next lower category, the newly created positions, the permanent and temporary vacancies to be filled;
  12. Establish and support schools when the company is established outside towns.
  13. Authorities Collaborate with Labour and Education, in accordance with the laws and regulations in order to achieve literacy of workers in rustic areas;
  14. Pay the technical, practical industrial worker or his son or daughter when they count over one hundred thousand workers and up. This number rises to one hundred if the company has more than a thousand workers.
  15. Train their workers;
  16. Install measures to prevent occupational hazards and injuries to workers as well as adopting the contaminants exceed the maximum allowed.
  17. Comply with health and safety provisions.
  18. Fix and disseminate health and safety provisions;
  19. Provide prophylactic medications prescribed by law.
  20. Book an area not less than five thousand square meters for the establishment of public markets, municipal buildings and recreational centers in rural and provided the company is more than five miles from the nearest town.
  21. Provide unions request, in the rural centers of work, a place for their offices.
  22. Deduct union dues and the formation and promotion of cooperative societies.
  23. Allow the inspection and supervision of the labor authorities.
  24. Encourage cultural activities.
  25. Encourage sport among its workers and provide the necessary equipment and supplies.
  26. Make deductions allowed by law.
  27. Protecting pregnant women according to the laws.
  28. Participate in the integration and operation of the joint committees.
  29. OK workers regardless of age or gender;
  30. Prevent workers buy their consumer goods in store or place;
  31. Do not demand or accept money from workers as a bonus for any reason.
  32. Do not force workers to join or leave the union or group to which they belong, or to vote for a specific candidate;
  33. Not intervene in the internal governance of the union;
  34. Do not make or allow collections or subscriptions to the company;
  35. Not perform acts that restrict the rights of workers.
  36. No political or religious propaganda within the establishment;
  37. Do not blacklisting workers not to get employment elsewhere.
  38. Do not carry weapons inside companies or establishments.
  39. No establishments submitted drunk, drugged or high.
  40. Enroll their workers into Social Security Institute.


They in turn have the following:

  1. Comply with laws and labor standards;
  2. To observe the preventive and hygienic measures;
  3. Subordinated to the authority of the employer or his representative.
  4. Work with intensity, appropriate care and attention and in the manner agreed upon time and place;
  5. Notify the employer in case of miss work;
  6. Restoring the pattern unused materials;
  7. Keep tools in good working condition and do not use them for anything other than work;
  8. Observe good manners during the service;
  9. Providing aid for accident or imminent risk;
  10. Integrate agencies established by this Act;
  11. Undergoing tests and examinations and to inform the employer if they suffer from contagious disease;
  12. Inform the deficiencies they detect pattern to avoid damages;
  13. Save the technical secrets, commercial and manufacturing.
  14. Do not perform any acts that endanger their own safety, employees or third parties.
  15. Do not miss work without good cause or without permission of the employer;
  16. Company subtract No tools or raw materials or finished product.
  17. Not report to work intoxicated, drugged or high. In case of medical prescription knowledge to the fact pattern with the respective document.
  18. Do not carry weapons during working hours, unless the nature of this is required or are tools.
  19. No unauthorized stop work pattern;
  20. No collections do not make any kind of propaganda in the establishment or workplace.

The picture in this article is for illustrative purposes only