
Salary Blessed Part Two

By: Mtro. Federico Anaya Ojeda - August 2007 -


The idea of minimum wages born in the s. Century in Australia and New Zealand. [1] In our country was until 1877 that first established the minimum wage. A worker at the time was to receive at least twenty cents per day worked. When the revolution broke out in 1910, the minimum wage was thirty-eight cents. The revolution had the effect of interrupting the minimum wages established not again until 1934. One peso and fifty cents back then was to serve for a man to hold her family. [2]

Talking minimum wage today involves thinking in the delta of a river with all its branches. Review from the social, his original intentions, its human and protector, to conceive it as a simple indicator of traffic violations and seniority premium calculation.

The minimum wage of forty-eight dollars and sixty-seven cents used to buy the sixteen percent of what you could buy for twenty years. INEGI data shed only five years ago a person who won minimum wage could buy the twenty percent of the basket. Alarming data when a quarter of the population earn that wage. [3] say that almost no one earns the minimum is a lie, and that leads to the original idea of the head of household worker has changed to "Family feat "where the man and woman, children, grandparents and uncles, pupils and even the animals are used in order to find a decent little family support.

The purchasing power lost by the years not recover from the overnight. What was intended as a protection for the working class, now is a stigma that will not let her straighten a life plan. Let us have the ability to be patient and to generate more and better paying jobs, with responsibility but populist ends. Salary Blessed!


The law says that the minimum wage is the lowest amount that must be paid in cash the employee for services rendered in a working day. The Constitution states that the minimum wage should be sufficient to meet the normal requirements of a householder in the material, social and cultural development and to provide compulsory education of children. Surely the constitutional legislature also failed to read the third article provides constitutional free and secular education.

To protect the purchasing power of wages law social utility considered the establishment of institutions and measures to facilitate the access of workers to obtain satisfactions such as the Federal Consumer.

Minimum wages may extend to one or more states or professional, for a particular branch of economic activity or professions, occupations or specialized work within one or several geographic areas. They are divided into general or vocational.


The general minimum wage in force in predetermined geographical areas in the country. Three geographic areas called A, B, and C. We said that these wages are not enough to sustain a company, which requires that all members have to work from an early age just to cover basic needs.

The general minimum wage will apply to all workers in the geographical area or areas of application to be determined, regardless of the branches of economic activity, professions, occupations or special assignments.

1997 $26.45 $22.60 $20.13
1998 $30.20 $28.00 $26.06
1999 $34.45 $31.90 $27.90
2000 $37.90 $35.10 $32.70
2001 $40.35 $37.95 $35.85
2002 $42.25 $40.10 $38.30
2003 $43.65 $41.85 $40.30
2004 $45.24 $43.73 $42.11
2005 $46.80 $45.35 $44.05
2006 $48.67 $47.16 $45.81


Professional Minimum wages shall apply to all workers in the branches of economic activity, professions, occupations or special assignments to be determined within one or several geographic areas of application. These wages are set considering also the conditions of the different economic activities.


Minimum wages are set by a committee composed of a tripartite national representatives of workers, employers and the government, which is assisted by special committees in an advisory capacity to improve the performance of their duties.

This committee is responsible for dividing the Mexican republic geographical areas, which consist of one or more municipalities in which should govern the same minimum wage, without there necessarily being territorial continuity between those municipalities.


The minimum wages discounts are banned and their offsets or reductions. The only exceptions are those enshrined in Article 97 of the CFT.

  1. Alimony to wife, mistress, children, grandchildren or parents provided they are ordered by a court.
  2. . The rooms in lease payments of workers to their employers. The payments shall not exceed ten percent of salary.
  3. Payment of subscriptions to loans from the National Housing Fund for Workers (INFONAVIT) for the acquisition, construction, repair, expansion or improvement of residential houses or payment of liabilities incurred for these items. Discounts shall not exceed 2 º percent.
  4. Expenses incurred for the administration, operation and maintenance of the residential concerned workers who have been granted a loan INFONAVIT, corresponding to 1% of 1% of salary l integrated salary.
  5. Payment of subscriptions to cover loans made or guaranteed by the Guarantee Fund for Development and the consumption of workers. These discounts can not exceed 10% of salary.


  1. Salary is the minimum benefit that cash must receive a worker is paid however payroll checks and bank.
  2. Field minimum wage is less than the minimum wage in the city justifying such an unscientific study that the city spends more than in the countryside. If wages were equal in all areas would prevent many people moving to the city and consequent overcrowding.
  3. Maximum wage for Social Security are ten minimum.
  4. Tossing a high mean stop eating five days.
  5. The employer must pay the Social Security integrates so when the worker earns the minimum wage.
  6. Una cajita feliz cuesta más que un salario mínimo diario.
  7. The term comes from Latin salarium salary, (salt) and comes from the amount of salt that was given to the Roman legionaries (considered workers) to preserve food. [4] The word salt comes from Salus, Goddess Health. [5]

[1] De la Cueva, Mario. The New Mexican Labour Law.





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